BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Stewart Island, New Zealand, North West Circuit Walk UID:20241127T110000-3028@ DTSTART:20241127T110000 DTEND:20241212T110000 DTSTAMP:20241127T110000 GEO:-46.832416;167.850988 DESCRIPTION:The North West Circuit on Stewart Island New Zealand is a 12 day walk that offers challenging multi-day tramping around Rakiura/Stew art island’s northern coast. Sweeping beaches, rocky headlands and stu nning scenery are the rewards for the fit and well-equipped. This trip r equires the carrying of 12 days food however all the nights will be spen t in huts, though a light weight tent is required for backup. You will n eed experience in walking in potentially wet and muddy conditions howeve r this will only be a portion of the trip. There are multiple beaches an d good fishing is possible off the shore. You will need to have complete d a trip of similar style and length to this in the past in order to be considered for this trip. We are flying from Canberra to Queenstown, bus ing to Invercargil then Ferry to Stewart Island. We will do the walk ove r 12 days however there is one day optional side trip and one rest day a llowed for rain. On the 13th day we are intending to do a one day (optio nal) sea kayak trip into the marine reserve around Oban. The last 2 nigh ts is are booked accomodation in a motel. Then we ferry back to the main land and the trip finishes in Invercargil. You can proceed home or to ot her things after this. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR