BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:EOI Valentine's Day trip to Valentine Hut UID:20250214T130000-3027@ DTSTART:20250214T130000 DTEND:20250216T190000 DTSTAMP:20250214T130000 GEO:-36.3501;148.4137 DESCRIPTION:This trip is an Expression of Interest the moment, I will fi nd out by 24 January if I can get away. Leaving work early on Friday, we will be doing a 3 day, 2 night walk in the Kosciuszko National Park. Pa rking at the Guthega power station, we will walk up Horse Camp Hut for n ight 1 (5 km), before continuing the next morning to Schlink's pass and Schlink's Hut before reaching Valentines Hut for the second night, a dis tance of around 13 km, and on day 3, we start early and retrace our step s back to the Guthega Power station (Another 18 KM). You are welcome to bring younger walkers, you will just need to sign an acknowledgement of risks before we start. Just reach out when you book yourself in and I wi ll get them registered. You will need to be fit, well prepared, and had previous overnight bushwalking experience, and remember that this is an alpine environment, and below freezing temperatures and snow are both a possibility. I am fairly relaxed, and if we are running behind schedule, we will amend the plan and do a bit less, and if the weather forecast l ooks too bad, an alternate trip will be the Budawang's, parking at Wog W og, walking into the Corang River, Canowie and Burrumbeet Brooks. I will give as much notice as possible if we need to go to the alternate. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR