BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:SCOTLAND: The West Highland Way - Glasgow to Fort William. TRIP FULL. Wait List Started. UID:20250926T000000-3011@ DTSTART:20250926T000000 DTEND:20251003T000000 DTSTAMP:20250926T000000 DESCRIPTION:The second 7 day, 8 night, 154 km, daypack adventure walking the full length of the beautiful West Highland Way in Scotland from jus t outside of Glasgow to Fort William. This is a self guided walking tour with Macs Adventures where they will pre-book our accomodation in a var iety of comfortable B&B’s and hotels, mostly in quaint little highland villages. Our luggage will be forwarded to the next overnight destinati on each day, so we will be walking with our day packs only. Expect some long days on well graded and uneven tracks with lots of breathtaking vie ws from high hills and several mountain passes with some equally steep d escents - distances will vary from 15 to 31 kms per day with a total ele vation gain of just over 3000 metres. Lots of interesting side trips and things to visit each day. Preceeding this walk, I am also leading a sim ilar traverse of the Lake District in Cumbria after which we will have a couple of rest and sight-seeing days in Carlisle and Glasgow and then w e will commence the West Highland Way walk from Glasgow on the 26th of S eptember. If you’re interested in booking a place, on this walk or bot h, let me know and I will reserve a place for you. There are only 10 pla ces available on both walks. Cost of the walk is about $1600.00 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR