BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ENGLAND: The Cumbria Way - Walking the Lake District from South to North UID:20250916T000000-3010@ DTSTART:20250916T000000 DTEND:20250924T000000 DTSTAMP:20250916T000000 DESCRIPTION:The first of two walks in the UK. A 7 day, 8 night, 112 km, daypack adventure walking the full length of the beautiful Lake District in the UK from Ulverston in the south to Carlisle in the north. This is a self guided walking tour with Macs Adventures where they will pre-boo k our accomodation in a variety of comfortable B&B’s and hotels, mostl y in quaint little Cumbrian villages. Our luggage will be forwarded to t he next overnight destination each day, so we will be walking with our d ay packs only. Expect some long days on well graded tracks with lots of breathtaking views from high hills and several mountain passes with some equally steep descents - distances will vary from 13 to 26kms per day w ith a total elevation gain of 1900 metres. Lots of interesting side trip s and things to visit each day. Following this walk, we will have a coup le of rest and sight-seeing days in Carlisle and Glasgow and then you ma y choose to join us again for another similar 8 day, 7 night walking adv enture traversing the West Highland Way in Scotland commencing on 26th o f September. If you’re interested in booking a place, on this walk or both, let me know and I will reserve a place for you. There are only 10 places available on both walks. Cost of walk is about $1810.00 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR