BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:WED WALK BBC SPONSORED 18 September E/M UID:20240918T081500-3008@ DTSTART:20240918T081500 DTSTAMP:20240918T081500 DESCRIPTION:**No need to book for wed walks.** Southern Namadgi - Pheasa nt and Boboyan Hills and 3 mountain huts. Leader: Robin Cayzer rcayzer@n Mob: 0417238652 Grade: Medium. Distance/ 14 Km and 315m. Weather: For Shannon’s Flat, 1-18 degrees Map: Rooftop’s Namadgi- AC T South Activities Map. 1:50,000 or equivalents. Driving distance: 133 k m ($60 per car) averages $15 per walker. Meeting time and place: 8:00am at Kambah Village Shops, leaving at 8.15 a.m. This 14km walk in the extr eme south of the ACT starts from the historic (1903) Brayshaws Hut carpa rk (loo) and proceeds westward on the well-marked Settlers Track for und er 2 km before we go offtrack to easily ascend two “Percies" (Pheasant Hill (1450m) and Boboyan Hill (1403m)) through open forest which has no t burned in over 100 years. After morning tea, we will proceed off track , again through pleasant open forest, to a collection of huge boulders b efore doubling back to Waterhole Hut (lunch), then to the Grassy Greek F ire trail towards to Westermans Homestead (another loo) and the wonderfu l footpad back to Brayshaw’s and the cars. Those who have not walked w ith the club(s) before must contact the leader on 0417 238 652 to discus s suitability, difficulty and other arrangements. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR