BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:North Rob Roy and Tuggeranong Hill: A Wanderful Evening Celebrat ion UID:20241128T180000-3005@ DTSTART:20241128T180000 DTEND:20241128T203000 DTSTAMP:20241128T180000 GEO:-35.468629;149.10791 DESCRIPTION:We leave the streets and houses below us as we climb up to t he network of fire trails above Conder. We then skirt the northern reach es of the Rob Roy Reserve as we take the fire trails over toward the Mon aro Highway, before turning around and heading west, then leaving the fi re trail to climb some minor features that give us excellent views over Calwell and Theodore. And, I am told, on a clear day you can see the tip at Mugga Lane! Heading further west on the fire trails we begin our asc ent of Mount Tuggeranong (sometimes known as Tuggeranong Hill). On arriv al at the summit, we will have a five minute breather as we take in the views. And, with some artful scheduling, we might be just in time to see a speccy sunset over the Brindabellas. We then have a short spell of of f-track as we descend from Mount Tuggeranong along a spur for several hu ndred metres, eventually joining another fire trail. We then turn to the east and begin wending our way back to the cars. Bring water, a hat, su n cream and a torch. Expect birthday celebrations too! Two walkers have birthdays. One on the day of the walk and the other a few days later. 🠎‚🎉 All walkers who have registered for this activity will be told if there is a cancellation. MEETING PLACE: Jane Sutherland Street, Conder. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR