BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Callum Brae Nature Reserve - evening (moonlight) walk UID:20241017T183000-3001@ DTSTART:20241017T183000 DTEND:20241017T200000 DTSTAMP:20241017T183000 GEO:-35.35271;149.141867 DESCRIPTION:Leader Jeff B. Meet at the Callum Brae entrance on the south side of Narrabundah Lane (600m from Mugga Lane, 1600m from Jerrabomberr a Ave). We will do a clockwise walk around the reserve perimeter through pleasant woodland just outside South Canberra. Book please, by about 4p m so Bilby can notify you in the unlikely event of cancellation, (or tex t "walk on?" to 0418662870 between 4.30-5.30pm and I will reply Y or N). The walk will finish after dark; there is a perigean full moon (“supe rmoon”) but bring a torch in case of cloud. Times: 6.20pm - meet. 6.30 pm - start walking. 7.09pm - moonrise. 7.20pm - sunset. 8.00pm - expecte d finish. Bookings within the limit will be automatically deemed “vali d”; as evening walks are popular please cancel as early as possible if you know you can't make it. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR