BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Roman Walls Circuit UID:20240914T083000-2997@ DTSTART:20240914T083000 DTEND:20240914T170000 DTSTAMP:20240914T083000 DESCRIPTION:The rarely visited Roman Walls is a rockclimbing area off th e Orroral Ridge of Stone. We start from Honeysuckle campground walking o n the Ororral Ridge FT for around 2 km. After that we veer off track (no rth-westerly) to head to Roman Walls (around 1km, with 200m ascent). Thi s section is exploratory to the leader and likely to be affected by fire regrowth, with rock and boulder scrambling at the steeper parts. Once w e reach the Roman Walls we'll stop to explore the climbing routes. We wi ll then proceed off track to meet the walking track/pad that takes us pa st Sentinel Rock, the Trojan Wall , Legoland and Tower rocks to near an old carpark. If time, we'll take a look at the Trojan Wall and Legoland along the way. Once at the old car park we can go onto the Belfry and th e Cloisters if there is inclination in the party to do so. Otherwise we head back to the cars via the Orroral Ridge FT. While the walk is mostly on track or footpad there will be sections of rock scrambling and thick scrub off track. Gaiters and gloves recommended for the off track secti on. Weather forecast in Tharwa at this time is 2 to 20 degrees, with 50% chance of rain of 0-1mm. I expect temps to be a bit lower due to our hi gher elevation. We'll meet at Kambah Village Car Park to car pool. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR