BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:How to use inReach 'Preset Messages'; setup & tricks - online ev ent UID:20240930T194500-2989@ DTSTART:20240930T194500 DTEND:20240930T203000 DTSTAMP:20240930T194500 DESCRIPTION:This activity is aimed for Leaders and Members who aren't su re if they're using inReach 'Preset Messages' efficiently, whether they know all the features and short cuts. It will be run via Zoom. -Setting up Free 'Preset Messages' with attached Location maps -How to use Free ' Preset Messages' with attached Location maps, to send Way points (from t he walked track), letting people know at home where you walk (send live updates with Free 'Preset Messages'), a Reminder to all, when using an ' inReach Mini' before making an Emergency call or sending off 'Preset Mes sages' -1st make sure you have your coordinates on 'Location' visible on your inReach Mini screen -2nd choose 1 of the 3 preset messages, and se nd it off, (without your coordinates on 'Location' visible on your inRea ch Mini screen, it will not send your Location coordinates) Remember; we have 1 Free test included with our inReach Mini per month; inReach is s ending to & receiving from inReach server, and it should display 'all ok ', after the test is finished on your inReach Mini screen, To do that; p ress the 'ok' button on your device, then select 'Utilities' on your scr een (using up & down buttons to find it), press 'ok' button', then you s hould see 'Test service' on your screen, press 'ok', and wait until it i s done with your test result ..... URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR