BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:M-H Wednesday walk, CBC sponsored - 11 Sept. 2024 - Bob Dewar Walk UID:20240911T083000-2987@ DTSTART:20240911T083000 DTEND:20240911T163000 DTSTAMP:20240911T083000 GEO:-35.268137;148.914432 DESCRIPTION:**No bookings required for Wednesday Walks** This walk honou rs Bob Dewar who led many Wednesday Walks. One of Bob's favorite destina tions was Pig Hill off Mountain Creek Rd. Unfortunately, farmers are mak ing it inconvenient to reach Pig Hill so this walk will cover the landsc ape immediately to its south with views towards Pig Hill and memories of Bob. We will start at the Sherwood Rd carpark off Mountain Creek Rd and climb up to Dowling Trig for our first views. We will drop in on Sherwo od Homestead to see if any daffodils are left, and then make our way via fire trails and bush bashing up to Genges Trail in the Brindabella Nati onal Park. We will walk along Genges Trail to the Lower Tumut powerline easement and then down to Two Sticks Rd, and weave our way back to the c ar park via a little bash around Two Sticks Hill. LEADER: Henry Gardner (0431 016 975, GRADING: Total distance around 16km. Elevation gain 700 metres. CBC grading L/M, BBC grading 10. MAP: Cotter Dam 1:25000. MEETING TIME AND PLACE: Weston Creek Tennis Cl ub car park, Dillon Close, which is north off Namatjira Drive opposite M cDonalds at Cooleman Court. Meet at 8.20am, to leave by 8.30am. We will aim to return to Dillon Close at or before 4:30pm. DRIVING DISTANCE: 50k m ($7 per passenger). Those doing their first Wednesday walk and also pr ospective walkers who are not members of either the NPA, BBC or CBC club s must contact the leader to discuss the level of difficulty of the walk . URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR