BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mt Majura Mt Ainslie Loop - Morning Walk UID:20240928T080000-2967@ DTSTART:20240928T080000 DTEND:20240928T123000 DTSTAMP:20240928T080000 GEO:-35.239929;149.165554 DESCRIPTION:Walk to be led jointly by my partner, Julienne McKay and mys elf. A (longish) morning walk to the top of Mt Majura via the Casuarina Track and Summit Track, then back to the saddle and down Mineschaft Desc ent and Cherryburn Trail across to the top of Mt Ainslie on a series of footpads and trails. From there, descend west via a steep, rough footpad to join a series of tracks and footpads, leading back to the car park. Morning tea at grassy hilltop (760m) between the two mountain tops. Whil e there is significant overlap, the planned route differs significantly from the 'classic' loop (described in All Trails), with a totally differ ent approach to the saddle below Mt Majura, and some variation in the re turn from Mt Ainslie. The walk offers both panoramic views of Canberra a nd its surrounds and significant, and at times quite steep, ups and down s, but always on clearly defined tracks and trails. Walk will probably f inish close to noon (though have allowed a bit more time below) - so not proposing to stop for lunch. Planned as a half-day walk that could suit people with time constraints. Bring adequate drinks and a good morning tea - the proposed morning tea spot is very pleasant with panoramic view s to the east. Length 14km: 4- 4.5 hours Terrain: medium - with some ste ep, and in places possibly slippery, downhill stretches. Some wide track s, some gutted footpads Conditions: Well defined footpads and trails Asc ent: 574 m (net) maximum elevation 890m (Mt Majura is the highest peak w ithin the Canberra City limits) Map names: Canberra 8727-3N (covers almo st the walk) and Hall 8727-4S (NOTE: Getlost version of 8727-3N has wide r margins and covers the entire walk) Transport information: communicate d to walkers after bookings close. Given the walk will start within urba n Canberra, formal car pooling is not proposed. Approximate return: esti mated 12.00-12.30pm URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR