BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Walking in and around Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada (Spain) - TRIP NOW FULL UID:20250929T000000-2966@ DTSTART:20250929T000000 DTEND:20251016T000000 DTSTAMP:20250929T000000 DESCRIPTION:Let me know if you're interested in joining me and some memb ers of the Brindabella Bushwalking Club (BBC) in a 17-day Spanish walkin g/sightseeing trip commencing approximately 28th/29th September 2025. I can only take a small number from each club (CBC & BBC) and will let you know if your request has been approved as soon as I can. Do not make an y bookings (flights) or otherwise on the assumption that your request to join this trip has been approved. If approved, I'll be in touch with mo re details at a later date. When submitting your request please let me k now if you would want a single room, twin share or double room (if you'r e a couple). Thanks We will start in Granada where I hope to organise ac commodation for us in the historic neighbourhood of Albaicin from where we will spend 2 days walking/sightseeing. There's lots to do/see here in cluding the famous Moorish stronghold of Alhambra. From Granada we'll bu s for a couple of hours to Pitres aiming to arrive around lunchtime leav ing time for laundry/admin/buying of groceries before a short walk to a waterfall. We'll s pend four days walking in the Pitres (Las Alpujarras) area. Then it's off to Arenas de San Pedro (bus, train & high-speed tra in) for 4 more days of walks before we head back via bus to Madrid from where we all disperse. For an idea of the areas follow these links: http s:// ce_of_Granada_Andalucia.html -la-taha-del-pitres.html n-pedro/ URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR