BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Bloody Long Walk - 35kms UID:20241110T063000-2952@ DTSTART:20241110T063000 DTEND:20241110T170000 DTSTAMP:20241110T063000 GEO:-35.328477;149.11674 DESCRIPTION:Would you like to do the Bloody Long Walk? This is a 35km wa lk that takes in beautiful views of Canberra and its natural surrounds. Starting from Red Hill you'll make your way to Lake Burley Griffin and w alk around the lake heading off in a westerly direction. During the cour se pass some of Canberra's most iconic buildings including Parliament Ho use, the War Memorial then completing the walk at Commonwealth Place. Th e course is fully supported with checkpoints along the whole way. The ch eckpoints are located between 3.5km-7km apart. Medical support staff wil l be stationed at each checkpoint plus water refills, sunscreen, toilets and fruit. The walk is a fundraiser to help Australians living with mit ochondrial disease. CBC has a small cohort of members who have registere d to participate in this walk as a team. If you're interested in joining us on this bloody long walk please register your interest via Bilby. Mo re information will then be supplied on how to register for this walk as a member of our team. Please keep in mind that this is an exceptionally long walk and a reasonable fitness level (and good pair of walking shoe s) are required. To participate a registration fee is payable along with a donation. The registration fee is not tax deductible whereas any dona tions made are taxable. If you would like more information about the wal k, please go to the Bloody Long Walk page at https://www.bloodylongwalk. If you’d like to donate and support the Mito Foundati on (not walk) please go to the CBC Team page at https://event.bloodylong Any donation of any amount much apprecia ted (and tax deductible). If you would like to know a bit more about mit ochondrial disease, please go to rra/about-mito/# URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR