BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Walking the Portuguese Camino - Porto to Santiago (Inland Route) - Self guided 14 days UID:20250915T000000-2939@ DTSTART:20250915T000000 DTEND:20250930T000000 DTSTAMP:20250915T000000 GEO:39.324316;-8.680369 DESCRIPTION:PORTUGAL TRIP NOW FULL. SPAIN trip details to appear on Bilb y soon. Starting from Porto, Portugal we'll spend 14 days walking the qu ieter (inland) pilgrimage route north to Santiago de Compostela. We'll b e utilising the services of a local company to book all our accommodatio n, provide our dinners and breakfasts, and most importantly to transfer our bags each day so we only walk with a day pack. A chance to experienc e wonderful culinary delights, walk through small hamlets, over ancient bridges and parts of Spain dating back to the Roman times. When we cross the Spanish border to walk our last 100kms we will qualify for the Comp ostela certificate once we arrive at the famous cathedral. This trip is being advertised now to take advantage of a special 10% discount (which I've been able to negotiate until end of September 2024). Price is $A309 0 pp atm. If you are interested in joining me then please click here for more information - /The-Portuguese-Camino-Porto-to-Santiago. A non-refundable deposit of $4 00 per person will be required. At the completion of the walk you can go your own way or you may wish to join me as we head across to Spain wher e I intend to offer two weeks of walking around Granada (Los Alpujarras) and Arenas de San Pedro. This Spanish component will be advertised sepa rately on Bilby and is purely optional. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ANY FLIGHT OR HOTEL BOOKINGS. DO NOT BOOK SEPARATELY WITH UTRACKS. When bookings in B ilby close (3 September), and I have confirmed your participation, I wil l be in touch with you by email to confirm exact dates, finalise your ac commodation preferences (twin share or single room), get your name as pe r your passport etc etc. When I have these details from you I will be ma king the group booking on behalf of all of us with Utracks. I will then be able to send you travel dates, suggested airlines etc. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR