BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Camels Hump, Johns Peak and Tidbinbilla Peak. UID:20241006T073000-2937@ DTSTART:20241006T073000 DTEND:20241006T153000 DTSTAMP:20241006T073000 GEO:-35.439915;148.942632 DESCRIPTION:From Mountain Creek car park, we have a steady ascent along fire trail (approx. 5.5km) up to the signage for Camel Hump. Recent clea ring along the fire trail provides more open views east into Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and Canberra. Bit of teaser for the brilliant views yet to come! From the signage, we have a short steepish climb to an elevatio n point of 1,383m for amazing views to the south and west. Without going all the way to Camels Hump (1,433m), we then descend back to the fire t rail and head south up to John’s Peak (1,450m). There’s a short sect ion of exposed rock scrambling on the way up to John’s Peak. We then t raverse along the range to Tidbinbilla Peak (1561m), before steeply desc ending down the SE spur, back to the fire trail. A solid effort with an overall ascent of 906vm, taking approx. 6 hours. You can view further de tails at URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR