BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Murrumbidgee Kayak Trail - Wantabadgery to Wagga UID:20240921T093000-2926@ DTSTART:20240921T093000 DTEND:20240922T130000 DTSTAMP:20240921T093000 GEO:-35.070351;147.742538 DESCRIPTION:A two day, 68km paddle on the Murrumbidgee River from Wantab adgery to Wagga, which is suited to anyone with reasonable fitness and s ome paddling experience. If you’re confident in your kayak or canoe bu t haven’t done any kayak touring previously and would like to try it, this trip is a great introduction. It’s an excellent section of the ri ver which is nice and wide, nice flowing, some minor swirls and races (n o rapids) and makes a great weekend touring paddle through mostly remote country with a multitude of massive River Red Gums and water birds alon g both banks. Day 1 will be 42 kms from the Wantabadgery riverside campg round to the Oura Beach campground (both with mown grass, fireplaces, dr op toilets and are very spacious). This section will take us about 7 to 8 hours of leisurely paddling including several rest stops along the way . Day 2 is an easy 26kms from Oura Beach to Wagga Beach which can comfor tably be covered in 4 hours with a couple of rest stops included. This w ill get us into Wagga around lunchtime on Sunday. There will not be any need to carry your camping gear on your kayak/canoe as you paddle as we will do a car shuffle between the start and finish each morning and afte rnoon, so we can car camp with all of the creature comforts. BYO kayak o r canoe and all paddlers must wear a PFD…..No PFD, no paddle! (I’ve paddled this section many times over the years and the Murrumbidgee Rive r at that time of the year generally has nice flows, but the trip is hea vily dependent on the weather and flow forecasts so may be postponed to a later date if conditions over that weekend don’t look ideal.) URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR