BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:6 days in Koscuiszko Area Monday 13th to Sunday 19th January 2025. UID:20250113T083000-2922@ DTSTART:20250113T083000 DTEND:20250119T160000 DTSTAMP:20250113T083000 DESCRIPTION:THis TRIP IS NOW FULL , I WILL START A WAITLIST ,so you may be fortunate if some else needs to cancel. Join our conivial group walki ng in the Kossy area from Monday 13th to leaving on Sunday 19th January 2025 We will be staying at the Canberra Alpine Club Lodge, 6 Flame St, P erisher at $49.50 per/night/per/ person ie $297 each for the 7 days. Lat er I will give a date for you please to deposit that amount into my bank acc and thence to Canberra Alpine Club, Office at Jindabyne. The Lodge has an excellent kitchen with all pots, pans, crockery and cutlery with shelves in the frig and a cupboard for storing your food . Walks may inc lude the iconic 24km Koscuiszko Circuit, Mt Tate, Watsons Crags, The Sen tinel, Blue Lakes, Porcupine Rocks, Mt Tywman, the new track from Kossi start to Guthega. In the late afternoon before the evening meal there wi ll be a short meeting reviewing the day’s different activities and the n deciding ,with regard to the weather the next day’s walks with possi bly different leaders. This allows all walkers to put their name down on the different Walks List at dinner time, ready for the leaders to colle ct them the next day You are also welcome if just want to be able to enj oy the mountains in summer, look for wild flowers, explore nearby Jindab yne or the Trout farm ,enjoy meals at Guthega Lodge , fishing or indulge in painting. When booking please state if you need transport or if you are able to take passengers. Last year 23 came and it was great with lot s of different walks of varying distances and climbs . URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR