BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Flinders Ranges SA !4th to 27th May 2025 UID:20250514T080000-2912@ DTSTART:20250514T080000 DTEND:20250527T080000 DTSTAMP:20250514T080000 GEO:-32.826946;138.187004 DESCRIPTION:Wait-list begun, in case someone needs to cancel We begin th e trip at Melrose 14th May and end at Rawnsley Park 27th May plus includ e two day either side of the trip for tr avelling there and retuirn to C anberra. Choice of own accommodation or in cabins. Walks are on reasonab le tracks from 12 to 18km and climbs from 300m to 800m. A reasonable lev el of fitness is required From first base camp at Melrose C Pk we stay 6 days , Walks include climbing Dutchmans Stern, Alligator Gorge (best Go rge in the Flinders) Hidden Gorge and Mt Remarkable plus a rest day wher e some may drive to the Arid Bot Gdn or the Tourist exhibition Wadlata, both are at Pt Augusta From base camp at Rawnsley Park CP staying 7 days , walks including tough Rawnsley Bluff look outs in Wilpena Pound and lo nger and tougher St. Marys Peak, plus 2 touristy days. One day walking a nd driving in Blinman area along its Pools, Angorichina the start of the Hans Heysen Track and nearby gorges. The second touristy day exploring the Brachina Gorge, a world renowned Geological Wonder plus venturing to Aroona and Bunyeroo Valleys and Hans Heysen painting areas Scenery is s tunning, plus a Rest Day where you can enjoy a coffee and muffin and wan dering around Wilpena Pound More details of all the walks, their distanc e and climb plus driving instructions will be emailed out to all partici pants. ACCOMM Acc in cabins Melrose from ~ $600 and Rawnsley~ $800, all dependent on numbers Please pay me deposit $200 once accepted on the Wal k to be able to confirm cabin bookings at Melrose and at Rawnsley NOTE I ntended mileage about 2500 km includes travel there and return. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR