BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Flinders Rangers !4th to 27th May 2025 UID:20250514T080000-2912@ DTSTART:20250514T080000 DTEND:20250527T080000 DTSTAMP:20250514T080000 GEO:-32.826946;138.187004 DESCRIPTION:WAITLIST BEGINNING FOR THIS TRIP NOW We begin the trip at Me lrose 14th May and end at Rawnsley Park 27th May plus include two day ei ther side of the trip for tr avelling there and retuirn to Canberra. Cho ice of own accommodation or in cabins. Walks are on reasonable tracks fr om 12 to 18km and climbs from 300m to 800m. A reasonable level of fitnes s is required From first base camp at Melrose C Pk we stay 6 days , Walk s include climbing Dutchmans Stern, Alligator Gorge (best Gorge in the F linders) Hidden Gorge and Mt Remarkable plus a rest day where some may d rive to the Arid Bot Gdn or the Tourist exhibition Wadlata, both are at Pt Augusta From base camp at Rawnsley Park CP staying 7 days, walks incl uding tough Rawnsley Bluff look outs in Wilpena Pound and longer and tou gher St. Marys Peak, plus 2 touristy days. One day walking and driving i n Blinman area along its Pools, Angorichina the start of the Hans Heysen Track and nearby gorges. The second touristy day exploring the Brachina Gorge, a world renowned Geological Wonder plus venturing to Aroona and Bunyeroo Valleys and Hans Heysen painting areas Scenery is stunning, plu s a Rest Day where you can enjoy a coffee and muffin and wandering aroun d Wilpena Pound More details of all the walks, their distance and climb plus driving instructions will be emailed out to all participants. ACCOM M Acc in cabins Melrose from ~ $600 and Rawnsley~ $800, all dependent on numbers Please pay me deposit $200 once accepted on the Walk to be able to confirm cabin bookings at Melrose and at Rawnsley NOTE Intended mile age about 3000 km includes travel there and return. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR