BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cypress Pine Lookout - NNP 40th Celebration UID:20241005T090000-2910@ DTSTART:20241005T090000 DTEND:20241005T123000 DTSTAMP:20241005T090000 GEO:-35.531323;149.065708 DESCRIPTION:CBC has been invited to contribute 4 walks to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the declaration of Namadgi National Park. These are public facing events - the ACT Government will advertise them and handle bookings from the public. 2 activity leaders (and the activity owner) a re needed to provide guidance and assistance to attendees. **Please only book on this trip if you are a CBC leader.** Starting from the Namadgi Visitors Centre, traverse the Woodland Loop with historical ‘Gudgenby in a box’, a huge indigenous scar tree, and ‘The Mouat Tree’. Walk around 5km return to Cypress Pine Lookout on Grade 3 track, which has a 180 vertical metre climb. Visit a nearby creek line for a splash if the day is warm. Suitable for youngsters 10 and older, accompanied by a res ponsible adult. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR