BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mt Tennent Walk - NNP 40th Celebration UID:20240929T083000-2909@ DTSTART:20240929T083000 DTEND:20240929T163000 DTSTAMP:20240929T083000 GEO:-35.531087;149.065709 DESCRIPTION:CBC has been invited to contribute 4 walks to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the declaration of Namadgi National Park. These are public facing events - the ACT Government will advertise them and handle bookings from the public. 3 activity leaders (and the activity owner) a re needed to provide guidance and assistance to attendees. **Please only book on this trip if you are a CBC leader.** Starting from the Namadgi Visitors Centre, you can walk as little or as much as you like (includin g 640km on the Australian Alps Walking Track across the rooftop of Austr alia down into Victoria!). Take a stroll around the Woodland Loop to vis it historic ‘Gudgenby in a box’, a huge indigenous scar tree, and †˜The Mouat Tree’. Walk around 5km return to Cypress Pine Lookout. Or h ike to the top, a heart-thumping 14km return and 800 vertical metre clim b (that’s like climbing Black Mountain over four times). Suitable for very fit walkers. Some ‘pain’ will be rewarded by the ‘gain’ of breathtaking views. The track is well made Grade 4, but after the flatte r section to the Lookout, is steep and rocky in places. Duration 7+ hour s. There will be sufficient leaders for groups of participants to turn b ack if necessary. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR