BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Work out with a Walk out on Farrer and Isaacs Ridges UID:20240818T090000-2900@ DTSTART:20240818T090000 DTEND:20240818T140000 DTSTAMP:20240818T090000 DESCRIPTION:Join me for a good morning's work out as we complete a circu it of Farrer and Isaacs Ridges. We'll start from the Parks Depot on Athl lon Drive (near the corner of Sulwood Drive) where we'll leave our cars to return a couple of hours later. Expect open grassy woodland, fire tra ils, a steep short climb up to the top of Isaacs Ridge (making sure we d odge any mountain bike riders who dare to come down at the same time!), and a bit of open off terrain walking. Gentle walking but you'll be surp rised that we notch up the kilometres, calories and ascent on this urban 'bushwalk'. If anyone's up to it we can decamp at the end to enjoy the delights of the new French bakery at the Kambah shops. Promises of good coffee and amazing patisserie delights. It's worth the visit! This outin g component is entirely optional. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR