BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Brandy Flat carpark to Glendale Drystone Walls via Brandy Flat a nd Half Moon Fire trails. UID:20240731T080000-2898@ DTSTART:20240731T080000 DTEND:20240731T163000 DTSTAMP:20240731T080000 GEO:-35.687027;149.003413 DESCRIPTION:***** BOOKING NOT NECESSARY FOR WEDNESDAY WALKS ***** This w alk starts at the Brandy Flat Walking Trail carpark and follows the gent le footpad to an uphill ascent on the Brandy Flat and Half Moon Creek fi re trails to gain most of our elevation before we head west off-track ab ove the Namadgi Park Boundry to reach the somewhat mysterious drystone w alls. The age and purpose of the walls is not known – suggestions incl ude shelter for shepherds, a sheep pen and even a fortification for bush rangers! After a rest with time to explore the area, we will commence th e downhill bash back to the car park. The downhill terrain is initially difficult to avoid ravines and steep slopes by negotiating some tight sc rub – but we will essentially head straight back to the cars. Meeting Time and Place: Kambah Village Shops, meeting at 8.00 am for an 8.15 am departure. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR