BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Smartphone Nav on Red Hill on the First Day of Spring UID:20240901T110000-2896@ DTSTART:20240901T110000 DTEND:20240901T140000 DTSTAMP:20240901T110000 GEO:-35.328316;149.116612 DESCRIPTION:Join us for a Smartphone Navigation Tutorial, on Red Hill, o n the first day of spring 2024, that's Sunday 1st of September. Expect t o be out and about for about three hours. dress for bushwalking and brin g your lunch. We will gather near the now closed On Red restaurant at ab out 11AM. Bring your smartphone, your bushwalking nav app, and any other nav gadgets you would like to cross compare. We will start our smartpho ne apps, create a new database for our trip, select an electronic map, e nter two waypoints, download map tiles, start our GPS and get a Fix, sta rt tracking, put our phones in airplane mode, pin our nav app screen, th en toddle towards Davidson Trig 750m. Expect slow going, much finger pok ing, many stops, and much chatter. For more re smartphone Navigation go to and email from there to view videos. My preferred apps are: For Android smartphon es - Backcountry Navigator Pro TOPO GPS. See: cument/d/1Nmk9oqnotQ9R2alcjR1N4LL6T51UoW0YO_IKsWzjeEc/edit?pli=1#heading =h.nd96wbwhphgh For iPhone smartphones - Backcountry Navigator XE See: h ttps:// opic/using-the-app Bring any other apps you would like to compare. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR