BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Great Victorian High Country Expedition UID:20250208T000000-2895@ DTSTART:20250208T000000 DTEND:20250216T000000 DTSTAMP:20250208T000000 DESCRIPTION:On the first day we drive down to Beechworth, via the Hume H ighway. And in the late afternoon/early evening we do the Beechworth tow n walk. The following day we do a 14 km 'work-up' walk in the Chiltern - Mt Pilot National Park. Then, on day 4 we decamp in a southerly directi on, to Myrtleford. From here we will have a variety of walks in the Moun t Buffalo National Park. I understand some of these walks offer excellen t swimming opportunities. On day 5 we move on to the Bright / Mount Beau ty area. From here we will explore more walks in the Alpine National Par k. On day 9 we make our way to the Burrowa-Pine National Park, where we will do the Cudgewa Bluff Falls walk. After that, we commence the long d rive back to Canberra. Anyhow, that's the plan. At this stage. It's subj ect to revision. And review. And amendments. Also, there will probably b e a rest day at some point. Possibly dictated by the weather, possibly n ot. The thinking behind this activity is that we should get a little tas te of everything in the area. Then, on future activities we can focus on those parts of the Victorian High Country that we really like. I expect our accommodation will be a mix of car camping, cabins and hotels / mot els. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR