BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Highlights of the Grampians Peaks Trail - 8 day walks (Activity Full - waitlist started) UID:20241130T080000-2888@ DTSTART:20241130T080000 DTEND:20241206T170000 DTSTAMP:20241130T080000 GEO:-37.144647;142.521172 DESCRIPTION:The Grampians Peaks Trail (GPT) is a relatively new track lo cated in Victoria’s Grampians National Park which is part of the Gariw erd Aboriginal cultural landscape. The trail, which stretches over 160km from north to south, winds its way over challenging peaks and rugged es carpments, passing unusual geological formations, caves and hollows. It traverses five distinct mountain ranges including the Mt Difficult, Mt W illiam and Serra Ranges., In this trip, we’ll base ourselves in Halls Gap in a shared cottage or, for those who prefer, in the local caravan o r holiday park. We’ll spend seven days exploring some of the areas con sidered highlights of the GPT, with walks in the north, central and sout hern sections of the Grampians. The walks will range from 13 to 19km in length, with climbs ranging from 400-1,200m and descents of up to 1,360m on some walks. These walks would be suitable for CBC members who are co mfortable with medium/hard walks involving climbs and steep descents, ar e comfortable on rugged tracks and have a good head for heights. In expr essing your interest in joining this walk, please indicate your capacity to take part in daily car shuffles to and from walks, and your preferen ces for shared accommodation in the cottages or camping. Group members w ho are camping will need to make their own arrangements with the local h oliday park. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR