BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Family Black light party with the scorpions of Black Mountain UID:20241011T190000-2886@ DTSTART:20241011T190000 DTEND:20241011T203000 DTSTAMP:20241011T190000 DESCRIPTION:ACTIVITY FULL, wait list commenced. Welcome to daylight savi ngs! To celebrate, this short family walk will see us wander around the lower slopes of Black Mountain, searching for two species of scorpions l iving in Canberra. The best part? When you shine a UV/black light on the m, they glow an amazing aqua colour. There is never any guarantee we wil l find them, but that never stopped any dedicated treasure hunter! Note: treasure hunters are required to be gentle to protect the wellbeing of our scorpion friends, and to minimise any disruption to their environmen t. Drive yourself to the meeting point for a 7pm start. Location will be emailed to those who have booked prior to the walk. We will slowly ramb le for approximately 1-1.5 hours. Gloves essential, gaiters highly recom mended. Please bring a torch/head torch. I will have 2 x UV torches, but it would be great if participants can please bring any they may have to o. Family groups are very welcome to book in, but all participants shoul d be ok with wandering off track in the dark (though I suspect if you ar e reading this far, you will probably be ok with potential creepy crawli es!) URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR