BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Family camp at Honeysuckle Campground Namadgi 2024 UID:20241005T140000-2870@ DTSTART:20241005T140000 DTEND:20241006T100000 DTSTAMP:20241005T140000 GEO:-35.582946;148.974996 DESCRIPTION:We are holding a 20 hour family camp at Honeysuckle campgrou nd in Namadgi. There will be space for 10 families. At least one partici pant in the family must be aged 10 and under. There will be some planned activities (stargazing, fire lighting, short walks and some games) and some free time for families. You must bring everything you need to camp for 20 hours for your whole family. You will require: a tent, good quali ty warm bedding and mattress, warm clothes, wet weather gear, beanie and gloves, sturdy footwear and food for the 20 hours, tables and chairs, c ooking equipment and your usual medication. A donation of a bag of firew ood would be very welcome as we cannot collect from the park. I will put up 10 spaces on Bilby. Please use ONE of these for your family and incl ude who is coming in the comments. Then: Please book and pay through the parks website below for your campsite. d-a-park/namadgi-national-park/honeysuckle-campground There is also spac e for 4 campervans or campertrailers if you book these. Let me know if y ou run into trouble. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR