Outdoor Gear Talk with Bruce on Tuesday evening

Bruce, an experienced bush walker will talk about the latest outdoor gear, ultralight gear, from tent to mattress, from hiking shoes to protection glasses. You can bring your own gear and share your experience and knowledge with others. Below is Bruce's rules three years ago, maybe still of your use? "Rule of thumb is that pack weights should be no more than 20% of bodyweight for someone with correct BMI. So 60 kg person pack weight should be 12 kg max. 75 kg should be 15 kg max. If exceptionally strong can go a bit more. Expect to go more at the start of a trip. Base weight of gear for normal walking in Australian mainland is about 7 to 9 kg depending on whether it will be wet or dry, cold or hot, tracked or off track. By Base weight I am referring to everything you carry except for base clothes you are wearing, water and food. Water will vary from 1 to 2 kg." No booking is required, Members and friends are welcome.

Outdoor Gear Talk with Bruce on Tuesday evening

Tue 01st Oct 2024

Open to Public

Social, Training

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Bruce, an experienced bush walker will talk about the latest outdoor gear, ultralight gear, from tent to mattress, from hiking shoes to protection glasses. You can bring your own gear and share your experience and knowledge with others.

Below is Bruce's rules three years ago, maybe still of your use?

"Rule of thumb is that pack weights should be no more than 20% of bodyweight for someone with correct BMI. So 60 kg person pack weight should be 12 kg max. 75 kg should be 15 kg max. If exceptionally strong can go a bit more. Expect to go more at the start of a trip.

Base weight of gear for normal walking in Australian mainland is about 7 to 9 kg depending on whether it will be wet or dry, cold or hot, tracked or off track.

By Base weight I am referring to everything you carry except for base clothes you are wearing, water and food.
Water will vary from 1 to 2 kg."

No booking is required, Members and friends are welcome.

Additional Information


Weston Creek Uniting Church, 16 Parkinson St, Weston

Social Type


A social event or activity.

Date and Time

Start: Tue 01st Oct 2024 @ 07:30pm
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