BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:No Cake Walk to the Castle (a Wednesday Walk) UID:20241016T070000-2794@ DTSTART:20241016T070000 DTEND:20241016T180000 DTSTAMP:20241016T070000 DESCRIPTION:The Castle is a well-known and spectacular summit viewed fro m the coast. As it will be an extra long tough day walk (some say 11hrs all up), and given the long (3hr) drive to get there, we will car camp o vernight at Yadboro the night before the walk to enable an early start t o ascend the Castle and come back (hopefully) before dark. The walk will be on a hard track with rock scrambling and exposure. There'll be fixed ropes in place, but I'll be taking my own rope just in case. Around 11k m walk with over 800m of climbing. Excellent fitness, footwork and a hea d for heights needed. I'm hoping for good views and a spring floral disp lay! Please read trip details carefully before signing up. As the trip i s popular, preferences will be given to CBC leaders in the hope that the y might lead the walk in future! In the event of bad weather the trip wi ll be rescheduled to the following weekend. Note: This is an irregular c apped H (hard grade) walk sponsored by the CBC that is not part of the e xisting inter-club Wednesday Walks program. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR