BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ACT Top Ten Peaks UID:20240914T000000-2786@ DTSTART:20240914T000000 DTEND:20240919T000000 DTSTAMP:20240914T000000 GEO:-35.659301;148.79056 DESCRIPTION:A 6 day walk deep in Namadgi National Park with the objectiv e to visit the 10 highest named peaks in the Territory. Starting from Mt Ginini in the north, the route will take in the western boundary of the ACT, to finally reach Mt Gudgenby in the south. Much of the walk will b e along the trackless rugged ranges that make up the ACT/NSW border. Sui table for experienced, fit, off-track pack walkers who are prepared to c ope with whatever Namadgi might throw at us. The advertised dates in Bil by are indicative only. If the weather is not favourable for a start on the 14th, it may be delayed slightly with the aim to preferably proceed during a window of fine weather. Therefore, some flexibility will be req uired. Expressions of interest from walkers are requested with a small p arty to be firmed up as early as practical. Expressions of interest are also welcome from volunteers who are willing to drive walkers to the sta rt at Mt Ginini or pick up from the finish at Yankee Hat carpark. Volunt eer drivers will be reimbursed commensurate with the club's Transport Po oling Guidelines. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR