BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The 'Aussie Ten' (actually, Eleven). Kosciuszko NP. *Full, waitl ist started* UID:20250308T080000-2779@ DTSTART:20250308T080000 DTEND:20250310T130000 DTSTAMP:20250308T080000 GEO:-36.43146;148.329325 DESCRIPTION:A two night hike over the Canberra Day long weekend to summi t Australia's eleven highest peaks, all over 2000m in elevation and all conveniently located on and adjacent to the main range of Kosciuszko Nat ional Park. Two of the eleven are the same elevation, and we will climb both. **This hike is rated as Grade 4 (Tracks are long, rough and very s teep. Directional signage is limited).** **The hike is a 45+km circuit o ut of Charlotte Pass. There is significant walking time on the Saturday (around 8 hours moving and approx. 25km) and also on Sunday. There is a big elevation gain (around 2km, excl. Rams Head South) and a fair part o f it is done with a full pack on. Breaks will by necessity be short. The re is boulder scrambling and possibly a bit of snow.** **This event will suit members with good fitness and appropriate gear. It is a slog, but very rewarding.** ### **Itinerary. Peaks in the order we'll summit them: ** #### **- Saturday 8/3 [08:00 start]** 1. Mount Twynam (2209m) #3 2. C arruthers Peak (2145m) #9 3. Mt Northcote (2131m) #10 **-Set camp in Wil kinsons Valley** **Afternoon excursion with a day pack:** 4. Alice Rawso n Peak (2160m) #7 5. Mount Townsend (2209m) #2 6. Abbott Peak (2145m) #9 7. Unnamed Peak SW of Abbott Peak/AKA Byatts Camp Peak/AKA Mt Du Faur ( 2159m) #8 #### **- Sunday 9/3 [08:00 start]** 8. Mount Kosciuszko (2228m ) #1 9. Unnamed Peak on Etheridge Ridge (2180m) #5 **-Set camp near Rams Head North** **Afternoon excursion with a day pack:** 10. Rams Head Nor th (2177m) #6 11. Rams Head (2190m) #4 11a. (Time permitting): Rams Head South (2052m) #13 -Visit Aries Tor #### **- Monday 10/3 [08:00 start]** Decamp and walk back to Charlotte pass via Kosciusko Rd for the drive h ome. Though showers, frost and snow is part and parcel of this area at t his time of year, this event will not run if the forecast looks severe ( wind, rain, snow). URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR