BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Nadgee Howe Wilderness 5 day Walk (63km) UID:20241004T120000-2767@ DTSTART:20241004T120000 DTEND:20241009T210000 DTSTAMP:20241004T120000 GEO:-37.410084;149.948784 DESCRIPTION:Nadgee Howe Wilderness is one of only 12 World Biosphere Res erves in Australia and is the most natural area left remaining on NSW's eastern coast. At this time of year the annual migration of 45,000 whale s down the coast is in full swing and we should get multiple sightings e specially from headlands. The trip is 63 km and we will walk it from Nor th to South which means the sun is behind us. We will leave Canberra aro und 12.00 pm on the Friday and stay the night at accomodation near Wonbo yn. On Saturday we will leave our cars at the North end of Wonboyn Beach and walk south (some off track) to camp at the Merrica River Entrance. Sunday night camp is Little River. Monday night camp is Nadgee Lake. Tue sday night camp is Lake Wau Wauka or Lake Barracoota. On Wednesday we wa lk to the Wallagaraugh River and take a ferry across to Mallacoota then a van back to our cars at Wonboyn beach then drive back to Canberra that evening. Water options are variable so may need to carry up to 4 litres for parts of some days depending on when it last rained. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR