BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CBC October Presentation - Story of the Namadgi National Park, 4 0 years and beyond UID:20241016T193000-2742@ DTSTART:20241016T193000 DTEND:20241016T203000 DTSTAMP:20241016T193000 DESCRIPTION:One of the jewels of the ACT is Namadgi National Park, which covers 46% of the Territory and includes majestic peaks frequently visi ted by the CBC members such as Mounts Gudgenby, Scabby, Kelly, Gingera, Namadgi and Bimberi Peak. In October this year, the park will turn to 40 years. In celebration of this significant milestone, Greg Buckman, the CBC un-official historian will take us on a visual journey through the h istory of the park from its conception in the 1960s through this creatio n in 1984. There would be some interesting stories and historical photos you haven't ever seen. No booking is required. Family and friends are w elcome. Tea and coffee will be offered after the presentation. (Photo sh ows then federal minister, Tom Uren, announcing the park in 1984.) URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR