BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Lycian Way, Mediterranean coast of Türkiye UID:20250301T000000-2735@ DTSTART:20250301T000000 DTEND:20250331T000000 DTSTAMP:20250301T000000 GEO:36.622578;29.165263 DESCRIPTION:The Lycian Way is a 540km trail following a section of coast in southwest Türkiye (Turkey). The standard time for doing the Lycian Way is around 29 days but we will factor in extra time to allow for rest days and to allow for ‘side’ activities (e.g. kayaking out to a sun ken archaeological site). The trail includes a large variety of elements including beautiful coastal vistas, mountains, ancient ruins, and local hamlets, villages and towns. The Lycian Way has been a recognized trek for some time now and has sometimes been included in lists of ‘the wor ld’s best treks’. The walk would appeal to those looking to combine natural landscapes with the chance to experience aspects of Turkish cult ure, including the people, history and cuisine. The walk will be at a te mpo that allows time to 'soak up' the local atmosphere and environment; but it is a strenuous walk and participants need a high degree of fitnes s and resilience. Participants should be comfortable carrying an over-ni ght pack over demanding terrain, often with large daily ascents and/or d escents. There is a lot of information online on the Lycian Way, includi ng blogs and videos – the leader can provide a list of some of these. Two guidebooks on the walk - 'Lycian Way' by Kate Clow and 'Step By Step Lycian Way' by Altuğ Şenel - will be key resources. We will be doing the walk independently, i.e. without the use of a trekking company. The intention is to do the walk in early-2025; if that timing doesn't work, other times will be explored. (Dates given in the Bilby walk description are indicative only.) URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR