BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:First Aid Training UID:20240612T090000-2733@ DTSTART:20240612T090000 DTEND:20240612T123000 DTSTAMP:20240612T090000 GEO:-35.323036;149.154763 DESCRIPTION:Not sure what the latest first aid techniques are ? or just plain rusty and need some refreshing? Well here's an opportunity, the cl ub is offering first aid training at no cost to members - what a bargain ! **Preference given to leaders**, and may be extended to members if th e minimum number is not reached. Training has been organized with a loca l company 'Canberra First Aid and Training' on 12 Jun 24 at Fyshwick. Th e training consists of two parts: a) an online component of about 3-4 ho urs (mainly videos and questions) is required to be completed prior to, b) a practical face-to face element of approximately 4 hours. The practi cal element of the course will be conducted on Wed 12 Jun 24 (0900 to 12 30) at Fyshwick. At the completion of the training, you will receive a S tatement of Attainment for: 1. HLTAID011 'Provide First Aid' (valid for 3 years) 2. HLTAID010 'Provide basic emergency life support' (valid for 3 years), and 3. HLTAID009 'Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (valid for 1 year) Note that the training has been modified slightly to take i nto consideration bushwalking scenarios. Members will need to book via B ilby. Details of the registration process will be forwarded by the activ ity owner once the Bilby booking has been accepted. Please contact the a ctivity owner if you any questions. Numbers are limited to 20, so first in best dressed. Some topics covered by the training but not limited to: DRSABCD, Recovery position CPR, AED use Sprains & fractures Cuts, gashe s and puncture wounds Head injuries Spinal injuries Shock Eye injuries H ypo and hyperthermia Hypo and hyperglycemia (Diabetes) Dehydration, heat exhaustion Snake bite (Pressure Immobilization Technique) Ant, Wasp, Be e, tick, leech and other bites/stings Allergic reactions (EpiPen and Ana Pen use) Asthma Heart Attack Stroke Choking Drowning Burns Personal firs t aid kits First aid management URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR