BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Currowan Creek and Falls UID:20250220T080000-2724@ DTSTART:20250220T080000 DTEND:20250220T170000 DTSTAMP:20250220T080000 DESCRIPTION:We will do a through walk where we exploit a horseshoe featu re in Currowan Ck to explore the upper and mid sections of the creek. We leave a car near a bend in the Ck then go upstream. We then leave the C k and do a small climb (40m ascent) and steep descent (190m) over a low ridge to get to the mid section of the Ck. We go downstream to view the magnificent Currowan Falls from above. We retrace our steps and go to, I hope, a magnificent stand of tree ferns. All of the walk is off track a nd largely exploratory for the leader since the 2019/20 fires. Because w e will be in the creek most of the time there will be wet feet and rockh opping on slippery rocks. Participants need to be experienced at this ty pe of off track walking, reasonably fit and suitably prepared to cope wi th whatever the terrain might throw at us. Please read the details of th e activity before signing up. The group will meet in Braidwood before pr oceeding to the start of the walk. Car pooling is available from Canberr a. (Nb this trip has been rescheduled from October 2024 and revised to b e focused on exploring Currowan Ck). URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR