BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New & rusty pack hikers trip*. Namadgi NP (full + long waitlist) UID:20241012T110000-2700@ DTSTART:20241012T110000 DTEND:20241013T130000 DTSTAMP:20241012T110000 GEO:-35.530902;149.066159 DESCRIPTION:Are you looking to return to overnight hiking after a long b reak away from it, or curious to try it out? Got a moderate level of fit ness and want to stretch the legs? This might be the event for you. Depa rting from the Mount Clear carpark, hike to Horse Gully Hut and camp for the evening. 18km return/+401m vertical elevation gain. Horse Gully off ers nice, flat camp sites, a loo, a sheltered place to cook and to socia lise, and a moderately demanding walk on excellent to 'pretty good' trac k. DST will have just kicked back in so we have plenty of daylight to wo rk with. *Places for this event are prioritised to members who are new t o overnight hiking or are coming back from absence and looking for a fai rly gentle re-entry to it. The focus will be on getting in the swing wit h pack hiking, tuning gear, and practising our campcraft, all in a frien dly and supportive social setting. That said, the trip involves a fair w alk and a pack haul, so a moderate level of fitness is required to ensur e your own safety and comfort, and that of other participants. *Please e nsure you have done some walking with a weighted pack in preparation for this event!* URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR