BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wednesday Walk E-M CBC Sponsored, 28 February: Red Hill UID:20240228T083000-2638@ DTSTART:20240228T083000 DTEND:20240228T140000 DTSTAMP:20240228T083000 GEO:-35.457164;148.889809 DESCRIPTION:**No bookings required for joint club Wednesday Walks** No, not that one. If you were walking last century, you may have been to Red Hill at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. There was a track which was obliter ated in the 2003 bushfires and never reestablished. We’ll walk the wes tern side of the loop, which includes a delightful creek line. From Moun tain Creek car park, walk up the Camelback Fire Trail, turn onto Spur 1 Fire Trail and drop down through the bush. There is quality scrub (wattl e regrowth, not shrubs), but we can take the less than 3km descent route very slowly. Plenty of shin high star pickets to bang into. Gaiters and scrub gloves. Around 5km and 200vm. Grading CBC S/R, BBC M(8), NPA 1/AD . If more is required, we can do the scenic Cascade Track (around 3km an d 50vm) and the Congwarra Trail (around 4km and 50vm). Home in time for a late lunch and cooler afternoon. Leader: John Evans m 0417436877 Weather: will update Sunday Meet at 8.30am in the Lanyon Ma rketplace car park, up from Maccas and nearest to Tharwa Drive. Shared t ransport cost $28 per vehicle of 4. *This walk is for members of CBC, BB C and NPA. Those doing their first Easy-Medium Wednesday walk should con tact the leader to discuss the level of difficulty of the walk.* URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR