BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Granite tops south of Smokers Gap UID:20240309T080000-2629@ DTSTART:20240309T080000 DTEND:20240309T160000 DTSTAMP:20240309T080000 GEO:-35.530948;148.890998 DESCRIPTION:Trip is full. Some withdrawals are normal and bookings from now on can be placed on a waiting list (status = “interested”) and u pgraded as places are freed up. Note that to be given a place in the wai ting order all the information listed below must be provided to the lead er. Leader Jeff B. From the car park at Smokers Gap, on the Corin Dam Rd , we use the Square Rock walking track to do the steepest part of the cl imb. Leaving the track before Smokers Flat, we head NE then E past grani te boulders to the 1457m summit of the hill. We then head SE, cross Smok ers Trail at its big bend, and walk N along a ridge before joining a tra ck descending to the cars. Pace will be slow to moderate, and the altitu de is 1200-1450m so it will be cooler than Canberra. Bilby profile of pe ople booking for this walk must include #full name,*phone, *email, *stre et address, vehicle and emergency contact details. (Leader will share # with all participants * with others in same car.) URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR