Practical Map and Compass Navigation group 5

Practical Map and Compass Navigation group 5

Sun 17th Mar 2024


Part-day walk, Training

A refresher/introduction to map and compass navigation in a practical setting. Walk several bounds in the open woodland of Callum Brae Nature Reserve, after you’ve worked out required directions and distances. You should come away with renewed navigation skills, or at least an understanding of what it all means if you use a digital navigation device. Prerequisites – know basic map reading (grid references, contours, etc.) and parts of a flatbed compass (direction of travel arrow, orienting lines and arrow, etc.). Brush up by reading Geoscience Australia’s Map Reading Guide here. This activity is designed for new/emerging walk leaders and any member or guest who’d like to try it. Around 7km and 4-5 hours. Activity repeated on subsequent dates for as long as new participants book.
(photo - first leg destination 'Big butt tree')

Additional Information

Booking deadline

Fri 15th Mar 2024 07:00pm





Distance (km or hrs)

7km, 4-5hours



Map name

Canberra 1:25000 topo map, or ask for instructions to print your own map segment

Terrain information

Grassy tracks; easy walking in open woodland; one short section of scrubby, prickly shrubs in which to practise your best going

Transport information

drive yourself to the starting point, time and location advised after bookings close

A walk or similar activity with a duration of a day or part day. No overnight gear required.

Date and Time

Start: Sun 17th Mar 2024 @ 08:00am
Approx Return: Sun 17th Mar 2024 @ 01:00pm
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