BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Ettrema Wilderness: Tullyangela to Myall UID:20241227T150000-2613@ DTSTART:20241227T150000 DTEND:20250102T000000 DTSTAMP:20241227T150000 DESCRIPTION:This 5 day off track trip takes on Ettrema Ck and its main s ide creeks focussing on the unburnt sections. We start hiking near Tully angela Clearing and finish up near Quiera Clearing. We will have some lo vely unburnt forest to walk through, classic green pools in the creeks i n which to swim, and two great waterfalls to investigate and perhaps asc end. For an early start we may camp near cars or hike a few kms into the National Park the night before the start of the hike. There will be a s mall car shuffle. We’ll be camping on Ettrema creek for two nights bef ore we move onto the next upstream camp for another two nights. Particip ants need to have good fitness and balance, and experience with multi-da y overnight pack walking in off track terrain, particularly in rocky cre eks. There'll be optional ascents of the waterfalls - these are difficul t due to scrub and steepness. Some rock climbing in Jones Ck for which t here'll be a handline for reassurance. There'll be wades in the creeks, so packs need to be fully waterproofed. As there'll be a couple of long tough days, participants should have lightweight packs so as to promote group mobility and safety. Members who had previously booked into the ac tivity in Dec 2023 (which was cancelled due to weather) will get prefere nce. Booking requests from guests or which hide full name and emergency contact details will be rejected. I've allowed a 7 day window to do this activity. Start date will depend on weather forecasts at the time. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR