BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:River Crossing Training UID:20240204T130000-2587@ DTSTART:20240204T130000 DTSTAMP:20240204T130000 GEO:-35.534798;148.835473 DESCRIPTION:An opportunity to learn safer ways to cross rivers. Particul arly recommended for anyone contemplating walking in NZ or Tasmania. The course will cover assessing a river and choosing a crossing place, solo crossing techniques, team crossing techniques, and a demonstration, in which you can participate if you wish, of swimming with a pack. Particip ants in previous courses have found it a lot of fun. The instructors - L inda Groom, Steve Halpin and Keith Thomas - are CBC leaders with experie nce in river crossing, but are not formally accredited in any way. The l ocation is below Corin Dam. We will leave Canberra around 1 pm and shoul d be back by 5.30 pm. Families with children 10 years and over are welco me, with a maximum of one child per accompanying adult. Bookings essenti al for all participants. If you are booking for children, please provide their names and ages and swimming competence when you book in the box ' Do you have any further details to add?' URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR