BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Training - bird identification for bushwalkers - session 2 - Nam adgi national park UID:20240324T070000-2556@ DTSTART:20240324T070000 DTEND:20240324T160000 DTSTAMP:20240324T070000 DESCRIPTION:Namadgi National Park has historically been a great place to go birding, with a wide range of high country birds to be seen. The bus hfires of 2003 and 2019/20 caused terrible damage and many species were badly impacted. Nonetheless, the birds are coming back, and bushwalkers can help by noticing and recording species as they return. I plan to lea d a party up the track on the northern side of Rendezvous Creek, then so uthwards off-track through sedgeland to the Rendezvous Creek Firetrail. As we will be listening intently, we will need to be quiet at times. Mee t at Kambah Shops (Marconi and Drakeford) at 7:00 am for car-pooling. br ing binoculars if you have them, hat, sunglasses, water and lunch. Book COB Friday 22 March 2024. Any enquiries to 0417 222 154 or David.dedencz URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR