BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:1 - Corang Lagoon, Twin Falls, & The Three Towers (Budawangs) , OVERNIGHT WALK camping near Lagoon UID:20240106T000000-2521@ DTSTART:20240106T000000 DTEND:20240107T000000 DTSTAMP:20240106T000000 GEO:-35.214992;150.026814 DESCRIPTION:Option 1 of 2 planned for this “Reclaim the Lagoon Weekend ”. Overnight walk SAT & SUN – expect pagodas, views, waterfalls, swi mming, and wildflowers. This long circular walk can be done in one long day but we will take TWO DAYS. The walk start at Black Bobs Creek on the Nerriga Rd with about 4 km of pleasant firetrail and one river crossing before heading off track via a couple of lookouts then a short (10 min) steep descent to the beaches of Twin Falls, Corang Cascades and the Lag oon. There will be plenty of time for swimming before skirting the new p rivate property via a new legal route and rejoining the historic 1960s t rack. Along the Scenic Rim Trail there is the option to take a short (10 min) side trip to The Three Towers to see the extent of the wilderness at risk of subdivision. Then its back to the Wog Wog Campground from whe re we return to our cars via a short (7km) car shuttle. DETAILS : 21km, up to 8 hrs of walking, frequent wet shoes (for 500m) and some light scr ub but there will be plenty of time for relaxing / swimming at the Lagoo n. . Bring swimmers, gloves, hat, water bottle, long trousers, warm clot hes for after the swim Also electrolyte solution if it is a hot day. The re are plenty of water spots along the route. About half is on track, ha lf off track with some rock hopping. Note : Option 2 is a long day walk along the same route. Note: If you wish to car camp the night before or after you can do this at Wog Wog Campground. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR