BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Walking the Alta Via 1 in the Italian Dolomites, Sept 2024 (Acti vity now full, waitlist available) UID:20240903T080000-2513@ DTSTART:20240903T080000 DTEND:20240913T170000 DTSTAMP:20240903T080000 GEO:46.688985;12.084709 DESCRIPTION:In September 2024, an intrepid group of BBC walkers will be visiting Italy to tackle the Alta Via 1 (AV1). The AV1 is a 121km track across the Dolomites, a dramatic mountain range located in the eastern s ection of the Italian Alps. The track traverses around incredible jagged peaks, dramatic gorges and beautiful valleys, with a total elevation ga in and loss of 7,200 to 8,250m. Our walk will start in the Lago di Braie s area on 3 Sept and finish near Belluno nine days later. We will be sta ying in the mountain huts during the walk, with hotel accommodation imme diately prior and afterwards. A vacancy has opened up for a CBC member w ho is keen to join us on this walk. If you are interested, please contac t me as soon as possible on 047 829 7775, URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR