BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Canyoning in the Blue Mountains area (TRIP FULL) UID:20240118T070000-2502@ DTSTART:20240118T070000 DTEND:20240122T160000 DTSTAMP:20240118T070000 DESCRIPTION:Bruce B and I will be putting on 5 days of non-abseil canyon ing in the Blue Mountains area. Our aim is to give participants new to c anyoning a taste of what canyoning is about without needing to abseil. T here’ll also be opportunities to do abseil canyons. We will have two c ar camps - one at Mt Wilson and one on the Newnes Plateau. The list of n on-abseil canyons we'll do is still be to be determined but could includ e one of the fabulous Wollangambe canyons, Du Faur canyon, Bell Creek ca nyon, Dargans Creek Canyon, Sheep Dip/Rocky Creek Canyon and River Caves Canyon. We will do some abseil training and rope work at Mt Wilson or M t York. There’ll be an optional easy grade abseil canyon available on some days as long as participants had completed a non abseil canyon firs t and if we have sufficient leaders. Canyoning is an advanced level of o ff track activity which demands physical and mental tolerance to slipper y, wet and cold conditions as well as technical (eg abseil) skills. Whil e we don't require participants to have technical skills, they will need to be physically fit and flexible, and capable of swimming at least 25 metres with a pack. Participants have the option of doing all or some of the 5 days. Due to the nature of canyoning the bookings will only be co nfirmed as valid if the interested participant: has attended the pre-tri p meeting (virtual is possible) on what to expect and what gear to have (date to be advised); has previously done an offtrack trip with Bruce or I, or can provide referees. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR