BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Bushwalking NSW Online Training - available to ALL CBC members UID:20250325T070000-2480@ DTSTART:20250325T070000 DTEND:20250325T080000 DTSTAMP:20250325T070000 DESCRIPTION:**Bushwalking NSW Leadership Training - 'Enriching the Team Spirit & Nature Connection of Leaders & Participants' within Canberra Bu shwalking Club.** Interested? You don’t have to be a current/emerging leader – this individually completed, self-paced, online course is ava ilable to ALL CBC members. Our peak body, Bushwalking NSW, has compiled this course, which includes practical leadership advice, scenarios and n otes on ‘nature connectedness’. It’s about 2-3 hours in total. But suggested to do something like 15 minutes/day spread over 1-3 weeks, so you can really think through the material. A small investment to comple ment CBC’s navigation and bushcraft training. The leadership training could well be applicable in other aspects of our lives. **How do I acces s this course?** Make a booking on this activity. You’ll then receive via email all the details needed to sign up for the course and complete it. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR