BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Worn Boot Bash UID:20231028T062000-2439@ DTSTART:20231028T062000 DTEND:20231028T180000 DTSTAMP:20231028T062000 DESCRIPTION:We will start off with a brisk walk up Stockyard Spur, follo wed by an active recovery walk along the Mt Franklin firetrail. We climb Mt Ginini, and then commence our descent via Harry's Spur, before we go off-track. Eventually we will find ourselves at Little Ginini Mountain, it will probably be lunchtime by then. When we descend from Little Gini ni Mountain, we will come out at Pryor's Hut, and then we will make our way along and up to Mt Gingera. After admiring the view, it will be time to descend all the way down to Corin Dam. Gaiters and/or long trousers are a must. Bring plenty of water (3 litres), especially if it ends up b eing a hot day. And also bring the standard items: hat, sunscreen, snack s and lunch, a warm layer, etc. This is a walk where hiking poles would be very useful. This walk is only suitable for very fit walkers. Time ta ken will obviously depend on the speed of the group and breaks taken, bu t expect the walk to take 11-12 hours. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR