BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:WEDNESDAY WALK - E/M - NPA SPONSORED, 27 September UID:20230927T083000-2409@ DTSTART:20230927T083000 DTSTAMP:20230927T083000 DESCRIPTION:**No bookings required for joint club Wednesday Walks** ENCH ANTED HILL Grade – Medium side of Easy-Medium Leader – Mike Smith, c ontact 0412 179 907 or Description – Meet in th e parking area at the EvoEnergy Power Substation off Callister St in The odore at 8:20an for a 8:30am start. Walk from the parking area along a u nsealed/gravel management trail to the Monaro highway and cross. Then wa lk through open grassland to the railway line/ NSW border. Continue uphi ll on old tracks/dirt roads to the summit of Enchanted Hill for views. R eturn to the railway line and follow it through a interesting deep cutti ng to the railway workers memorial on the remain of a fireplace in what was a early 1900s railway construction camp. Continue downhill to Tugger anong Creek and the Monaro Highway. Cross under the highway at a bridge over Tuggeranong Creek and go to the nearby Aboriginal Axe Grinding Groo ves. Return to the parking area by management tracks behind Theodore. Di stance around 12km with about 350m of climb. Map - Tuggeranong 1:25,000 Weather –Partly cloudy, max temperature 250, slight 30% chance of a sh ower 0-1mm, light winds (from BOM Saturday). (Those doing their first We dnesday walk and prospective walkers who are not members of the BBC, NPA or CBC must contact the leader to discuss the level of difficulty of th e walk.) URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR