BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Family camp in upper Orroral Valley UID:20231001T100000-2399@ DTSTART:20231001T100000 DTEND:20231002T140000 DTSTAMP:20231001T100000 GEO:-35.625673;148.954811 DESCRIPTION:A walk and overnight camp designed for active families. On S unday, from Orroral Tracking Station, we walk 4 km upstream, with a stop to explore a giant split rock. Our camp spot is amongst scattered trees near a rocky part of the Orroral River, suitable for floating bark boat s and other games. On Monday, which is a public holiday, we cross the ri ver on boulders and return to the cars by a slightly shorter route. Fami lies will need to carry all their own gear, for two hours or more, inclu ding a fuel stove. Gear can be hired from the Club; see canberrabushwalk This w alk will suit families with kids aged 6 to 11 who want to try off-track walking and bush camping. If you'd like to bring a younger child or a to ddler in a backpack carrier, please discuss this with the leader first. When booking please list all the walkers in your family with First & Las t Names, and ages of the kids, in a booking note. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR